Friday, March 04, 2005


Clean the table my friend!

It is over. We made it. This morning we conducted the last DISCUS session. When we were walking for lunch after it I was talking to Yuichi. The whole week, the Chance Discovery Consortium researchers have been extremely excited about using DISCUS in real-world focus groups. Talking to him while walking down Green Street toward the Illini Union Ballroom I suddenly realized why.

The six DISCUS sessions covered a total of eight different focus groups in three days. In a conventional setting without DISCUS assistance, it takes---quoting Yuichi’s words---three days to complete one focus group. Stepping in the Union the reasons of their excitement became crystal clear to me :)

We wrapped an exciting week sitting at the Expresso Royale Café of Urbana. Sitting around coffees and chais we reviewed the main results of the experiment. But looking into the past was not all we did. We started already exploring the new exiting possibilities of improvement and innovation for DISCUS. Today is not an end. Today is the beginning of a whole new reborn DISCUS. A DISCUS that has celebrated its second anniversary proving that the vision could become a reality, opening the door to new and even more exciting things to come.

However, there was only one thing left to do today. Get all together and celebrate that we made it! What could be better than to have a nice Thai dinner and to relax playing pool. So, let’s clean the table my friend, let’s clean the table all together.

The milestone of the day: We wrapped up. Our colleagues have already in their hands all the data and paper work done. We wish them a pleasant flight back. I guess I have already said this several times these days, but this was no one-man job. Chen-Ju, Abhimanyu, Mohit, and Davina you did a great job. I am proud of you and your work. Nothing would have been the same without you unconditional effort to get this strait. By the way, Yukio, Davina, we missed you tonight.

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