Sunday, December 04, 2005


Genometri uses GAs in product design

Doyouwantcoffee (an architecture blog) has a post (here) about a company in Singapore that is using genetic algorithms in product design. The company, Genometri (I like the name), has a variety of tools, but the ones of relevance to GAmists are Gennovate and Design DJ. According to the site, Gennovate is
Entry Level generative software. Creates hundreds of variations based on a generic model built in Solid Works. Most of the generative designs seen in this web page were generated using gennovate. Status: currently being alpha tested.
and Design DJ
Will give you ultimate control over the design generation process, by allowing users to set limits on variations and allowing them to save the part file in a genetic format. Status: under-development.
The company won a business plan competition in April 2005 (see here) and is apparently a spinoff of research at NUS. Jasmeet Chadha and Parth Vaishnav are the principals listed on the b-plan competition, but there are no names explicitly mentioned on the Genometri site about company officers, investors, and such. From a technology point of view, there also isn't much to go on, but the cool stuff appears to be the integration with CAD tools, not particularly advanced genetic algorithms.

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